Create better video, faster than ever.

Stand out with Storyblocks

Scale your video output and drive more results with easy to use search, cross-asset pairing, integrated tools and templates, and top-notch licensing coverage.

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Storyblocks helps you in every step of the creative process
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Exceptional stock media library

Unlimited downloads, all in one place: 4K/HD Video, Templates, Music, Images, and more.

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Easy-to-use workflow tools

Stay focused on your projects and work faster with the Storyblocks plugin for Adobe Creative Cloud.

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Licensing that has your back

Our customers are protected in perpetuity by the highest level of legal coverage in the industry.

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Create video at speed and scale

Enable anyone on your team to easily create high-quality video quickly and easily with Maker for Teams

Trusted by industry-leading companies
Canon logo
LiveNation logo
Univision logo
HarperCollins logo
Boston Consulting logo
Arizona State University logo
Mayo Clinic logo
iHeart Media logo
Whirlpool logo
U.S. Navy logo
Create more unique videos, with 100% exclusive music

Level up your videos with over 28,000+ exclusive music tracks you wont find on any other platform.

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Find content fast with a curated library, refreshed daily
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Access high-quality music from award-winning artists
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Create more confidently, with less likelihood of claims
Explore Exclusive Music
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display of people enjoying music and audio tracks
Create confidently with full legal protection

Written directly to your organization, our business license protects your team and any content they create, in perpetuity. On our Enterprise plan, your company will always be backed by the highest legal coverage in the industry with up to $1,000,000 in indemnification.

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Imagine your team with Storyblocks for Business
Let's start the conversation
Using Storyblocks helps creatives save an average of 3.5 hours a week. Take the first step in leveling up your team’s creative process and get ahead of the competition by requesting a personalized quote today.

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Tell Us a Little About You and Your Company

Create video at scale

Enable anyone to easily create high quality video quickly with Maker for Teams, our video editing tool that connects directly with Storyblocks’ content library. Leverage brands, templates, and shared projects to create with confidence and get your videos in market quicker.

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Effortlessly scale your video creation
Connect your creative tools for a smarter workflow from start to finish with access to your entire Storyblocks library directly in Premiere Pro and After Effects.
Unlimited in-app search, preview and downloads
Test and iterate on content from your project panel
Comprehensive coverage so you can create with confidence
Premiere pro window with Storyblocks plugin
Demand driven library

We're always adapting to your needs and adding new content to our library to ensure that we are curating diverse, representative video, music and imagery from contributors around the world.

Learn About Re: Stock
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